Shandong Arrow Machinery Co., Ltd.
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AHT62-40D High Moisture Protein Line

Aug 30, 2022

With the continuous and stable development of my country's economy, the per capita disposable income of residents has continued to increase, and the Chinese breakfast has gradually developed from "satisfying" to "healthy". The development of advanced technology has driven the advancement of food technology, bringing new opportunities for the rapid growth of the breakfast cereal market. And we also closely follow the pace of market changes.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast or having an unreasonable breakfast structure will affect a day's study and work efficiency, and in severe cases will cause hypoglycemia, coma, anemia, and so on. In recent years, the continuous improvement of residents' living standards and the gradual optimization and upgrading of the consumption structure have promoted the further expansion of the consumption scale of the breakfast market. But at the same time, due to the accelerated work rhythm, the breakfast time is compressed. The emergence of breakfast cereals greatly saves people's time and costs, and at the same time satisfies people's pursuit of health and nutrition. The market demand is huge. Shandong Zhennuo Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. also seized this stall and developed a new type of AHT series twin-screw extruder. The breakfast cereal market can be expected in the future.

The breakfast cereal is made of crude protein grain powder with the nutritional content of corn, black rice, buckwheat, red dates, rice, wheat, oats, etc. Add milk (cold food) or boil for a while (hot food) and serve. It is convenient to eat and has high nutritional value. At first, breakfast cereals originated in the West. Later, due to the general formation of the concept of healthy life among residents, the consumer group of breakfast cereals is also expanding, and there is also a huge consumer demand among students and fitness groups.

Various types of breakfast cereals, such as corn flakes, cereal rings, and oatmeal extruded by twin-screw extrusion technology, have extremely high nutritional value. The main advantages include:

(1) Regulate blood sugar. Breakfast cereals are rich in dietary fiber, and compared to refined grains, whole grains can help control blood sugar spikes

(2) and protect the heart. Not only do grains prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol, they also lower triglycerides, two important substances that contribute to heart disease.

(3) Weight control. Middle-aged men and women who ate high-fiber nutritious meals were generally 3 pounds lighter than those who didn't eat grains in studies that were followed over 12 years. It can be said to be the gospel of weight loss people.

(4) more energetic. Grains contain resistant starch, which is not easily digested, and breakfast cereals can burn more fat and hormones and make people feel more energetic. (5) Nutritional balance: It can strengthen a variety of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients. At the same time, it can be eaten with milk to achieve a comprehensive nutritional balance.

(6) Reduce asthma. The study found that children who ate grains as infants were less likely to have asthma or allergic rhinitis than children who waited until age 5.

(7) Protect teeth and gums. Research shows that people who consume a lot of grains have a 23% lower risk of gum disease than those who stay away from grains.

(8) Contributes to longevity. The study found that women who ate 4 to 7 grains a week had a 31% lower risk of premature death than women who ate few grains.

Finally, Shandong Zhennuo Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. hopes that everyone will develop a good habit of eating breakfast!
